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点击:908 来源:深圳潜龙家教 发布日期:2022-03-19

   Bill Evans was a professional baseball player. He was a very good player and had  played in the World Series many times. He was also superstitious(迷信). Before  every game,he went to a fortune-teller (算命的人)to find out what was going to happen. The fortune-teller had told his fortune many times and had often been correct.  
   One day, he visited her before an important game, as usual. The fortune-teller studied his hand and then said,“I see a man wearing a white coat.And you are lying on a stretcher (担架)”.This really worried Bill. He decided not to risk (冒险)it.He was afraid to get injured.The captain of Bill's team was not happy when he told him that he wasn't going to play. Bill was one of the best players on the team.  However,there was nothing he could say to make Bill change his mind.  
   Bill also decided not to watch the game,but to go to the hospital and visited one of the other players who had been badly injured a few weeks before.As he was walking into the hospital,Bill hit his head on the ground and lost consciousness (知觉).Within a few seconds,he was being carried into the hospital on a stretcher.
(  ) 1. What did Bill do before an important game ?  
A. He practiced hard.  
B. He talked to his friend about what was going on.  
C. He went to the hospital  
D. He went to a fortune - teller
( ) 2. What did Bill think was going to happen?  
A. He would be injured during the game
B. Their team would lose the game
C. His captain didn't care
D. He would be injured by the fortune-teller
( ) 3.What did Bill decide to do ?  
A. Play in the game
B. Not play in the game  
C. Stop visiting fortune-teller  
D. Give up baseball  
(  ) 4. When did Bill go to the hospital?  
A. Before the game  
B. After the game
C. During the game  
D. When he was sick
参考答案:1--4 DABC

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