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八年级下册英语综合练习册B本Unit 3 答案
点击:659 来源:深圳潜龙家教 发布日期:2022-03-13

A 1-8 gfhc  adeb
B 1 It has a loog history.  2 Yes. Romeo and Juliet.
1 F Cantonese Opera dates back to the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.
2 T
3 T
4 F 答案请您参阅29页原文第四段第二行
C2 1 答案请您参阅原文第二段第三行
    2 答案请您参阅见原文倒数第三段开头一句
  2 No,I don't. Because the young are more likely to enjoy the modern, high-tech art forms
A1-6 tools, lovely, characters, luck, Although, requires
B 1-6 will be completely, won't be finished, was broken, is flooding, will be used, are broken
第33页 听力略
1 Because it's a great way to learn to control our bodies,protect ourselves and keep healthy
2 He moves like he is floating through the air
3 Protect ourselves and keep fit
4 Because it is beautiful
5 Because it helps her develop a strong and healthy body.
1-8 cadb   cdaa
1 More than 2000 years
2 Buildings
3 Because everything is painted in great detail and uses a lot of colour too
4 答案请您参阅左侧原文倒数第四行
5 Most professional painters used the gongbi style(第三段末尾)
  Most ink-wash artists painted as a hobby(第四段末尾)
C2 略
1 mixes clay with water until the mixture is soft
2 turns the wheel and uses his fingers to form the clay. Then he waits for it to dry
3 draws a pattern on it and then paints it
4 puts it in the oven and cooks it at a high temperature



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