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初三英语(Chapter2)阅读理解 牛津深圳版
点击:2777 来源:潜龙家教网 发布日期:2011-08-27

初三英语(Chapter2)阅读理解 牛津版



    Although people often say that lokks are not everything, we have to admit that mean something. Our first impression of many people is based on appearance. We judge them by their clothes and their make-up. We also judge them by their hair.

     There are many fixed ideas about women and certain kinds of hair. Women with long blonde hair, for example, are sometimes thought of as more attractive and less intelligent, while women with short hair are seen as confident and outgoing.

     People knoe that hair can be a symbol. So they use it to express themselves. In the 1990s, short cuts were fashionable. Men thought that short hair made them look strong and powerful. Many women chose short hairstyles too. They wanted to show that they were modern and successful, and did not have a lot of time to sit around looking after their hair.

    All this shows that hairstyles give people certain message. It is important to choose the right one of for you.Be sure that your hairstyle express your true personality. Also, if you want to get a good job, neat, and stylish hair is important. It would be foolish of you to go to a job interview with messy hair.

1 How do people get their first impression of people in most cases?

  a by their cloths  b by their make-up   c by their hair   d all the above

2 What do people think about women with long blonde hair?

  a more beautiful and lovely     b more attractive and more intelligent

  c less attractive and more intelligent       d more intelligent and more attractive

3 What did people want to show others by choosing short hair in the 1990s?

   a look strong and powerful   b  beautiful and intelligent

   c  both A and D               d modern and successful

4 What should people do when they choose a haiestyle?

   a Your hairstyle can express your true personality

   b Your hairstyle should be near and stylish

   c Your hairstyle should be  in fashion

   d Your hairstyle should be messy and stylish

5 What is the main idea of the passage?

   a Haircut    b Hair is very important   c Hairstyle   d  Hair messages

 答案:DBCAD  深圳家教·南山家教·潜龙家教 真心推荐

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