今天是:2024年09月20日 星期五 本家教创办于:2008年8月25日         当前网站版本:第三次改版
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点击:2818 来源:潜龙家教网 发布日期:2011-08-27


1                     disastrous earthquake was                      unforgetful memory for us all.  
           A.The, a                                 B.A, an                              C.The, an                             D.A, a

                     Lucy                    Lily may go to the concert with you, because they're not allowed to go out on school nights.
            A.Either, or                        B.Neither, nor                       C.Both, and                   D.Not only, but also

3 Everyone in our class has been to volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games                        Tom. He was ill.
           A.as well as                            B.besides                   C.except                           D.except for

4 — How well Alan dances! I can't believe my eyes!  
          — _______.    
          A.So he does                 B.So does he                 C.So do I                        D.So I do

5 ______ you told me, I heard nothing of what happened.
         A.Until                                     B.After                               C. If                              D.Since

                exciting news! We've never had______ long vacation. 
           A.What, such a                       B.What an, such a                 C.How, such a                D.What, so a

7 —How many people have been in Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?   
           —It's hard to say.                          people,I think.  
            A.Million of                           B.Millions of                        C.Two millions of                        D.Two millions

8 The old man is ill and doesn't feel like _______. 
             A.to eat something              B.to eat anything             C.eating something               D.eating anything

9 The teacher was very______ with the result because everyone had done best.
               A.angry                       B.annoyed                   C.pleased                          D.exciting

10 I have to finish my homework first ______cleaning up the room. 
           A.because of                    B.instead of               C. in front of                  D.at the end of

11 In China, the old                         .    
           A.is taken good care                                    B.are taken good care   
          C.is taken good care of                                D.are taken good care of

12 I thought_______ very useful to know the customs of foreign countries.    
          A. that                                   B.this                                        C.it                                       D./

13 —Does Ted tell you if he_______ next Sunday?
          —No, he doesn't But if he                   , I'll give you a ring.
         A.will come,will come                       B.comes,will come     
        C.comes, comes                               D.will come,comes

14 It is bad for your eyes                      computer games too much.
            A.plays                                B.to play                               C.play                           D.playing

15                      in Singapore for three years was an unforgettable experience for me.
          A.To live                                   B.Living                                 C. lived                               D.Live

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